Tagged: Celesta

Coming Up Soon

Coming soon on Celesta.nl 👉👉👉THE CCC SHOW You wouldn’t want to miss that for the world So start subscribing and/or follow me as soon as you can: like in NOW, so you don’t miss...

Don’t take life too serious; including your selfies

Do you ever ask yourself, between taking selfies, what Life exactly is meant for? Do you dare to read further? Well if you don’t: be sure to stumble today and take the most viral picture ever while lying with you nose in a turd. Success.

Be a star like Goldie Hawn

Funny, vibrant, yet down to earth and widely loved; an occurrence most of us would like to have. A stardom status which often seem far away and often stays like that haha (evil laugh). Well that is for me ofcourse to reassure you.
But what are the necessary qualities to become a star in life?

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